Balance Braces and Sculling
Balance Brace with Paddle
Balance Brace with Norsaq
Balance Brace
Balance Brace
Balance Brace Freestyle
Balance Brace in the Waves
Butterfly Sculling
Chest Sculling
Side Sculling
Chest Sculling
Layback Rolls
Standard Greenland Roll
Butterfly Roll with Paddle
Butterfly Roll with Mini-Stick
Butterfly Roll with Norsaq
Butterfly Roll in the Waves
Norsaq Roll start forward - finish back
Shotgun / Armpit Roll
Shotgun / Armpit Roll
Roll with hunting float
Lay-Back-Rolls Exercise
Hand Roll, start forward - finish back
Hand Roll, start forward - finish back
Spine Roll
Spine Roll
Clenched Fist Roll
"Little" Rock Roll
Pre-exercise for Straight Jacket Roll
Straight Jacket Roll - Grietje Koß
Forward finishing Rolls
Storm Roll
Storm Roll
Reverse Sweep Roll
Back Deck Sulling Roll
Reverse Sweep Roll
Double Reverse Sweep Roll
Reverse Sweep Roll with Paddle behind Neck
Back Deck Hand Roll
Under Hull Sculling Roll
Under Hull Sculling Roll
Forward Finishing Butterfly Roll
Hand Roll Front to Front
Hand Roll Front to Front
Reentry and Roll
Continuous Hand Roll and Back Deck Roll Mix
Im folgenden sind die 33 offiziellen sowie zusätzliche Rollen-Versionen aufgeführt.
Videos zu einem Teil der Rollen sind oben in der Galerie zu finden.
Unten ist der Link zu den Wettkampfregeln und Rollen.
Entry Level Rolls (aalisakkat class)
Braces and Sculling
Layback Rolls
Layback Norsaq Rolls:
Layback Hand Rolls:
Forward finishing Rolls
Expert level (puisit class)
Layback Rolls
Layback Hand Rolls:
Forward finishing Rolls
Forward finishing Norsaq Rolls:
Forward finishing Hand Rolls:
Sculling Rolls
Internationale Regeln und Rollen für Wettbewerbe
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